Another kind and form of tiles that is available in the market today is the stone mosaic tiles. It is very much preferred by other home designers and builders because of its convenience and functionality, especially when remodeling the house. Moreover, a stone mosaic tile makes remodeling possible inside and outside of the house. This kind of tile is formed by meshing together several beach stones, and fitting them together in a backing, whose size is usually 12 inches by 12 inches. A stone mosaic tile is widely available in the island of Bali, as it is known for its remarkable beaches, from which the stones are gathered. A stone mosaic tile can be used on shower bases, kitchen walls and counter tops, sink walls, and floors for different parts of the house.

There are several reasons why most home owners prefer a stone mosaic tile. It can endure and withstand the most extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold. So, this is very convenient to use near fireplaces and the cooking area. A stone mosaic tile can be applied in all kinds of rooms, as its design is not picky and hard to match. You can use it in your home, office, hotel, or any other kind of establishments. A stone mosaic tile can be cleaned with the ordinary home detergent, which means that cleaning and maintaining it will not be so hard of a task. Upon using a stone mosaic tile, you can expect that the interior and exterior design of your home will look amazing at a very affordable price.

On the other hand, if you are not quite settled over a stone mosaic tile and still looking for something just as durable, then a marble tile may be for you. Marble is common in architecture and art pieces. It has been used for centuries already because of its designs. Most of it is white; but, it can be combined with other colors that give it a swirl of a different color. This kind of design is why a marble tile is available in the market nowadays. A marble tile is made from the combination of a marble dust bound and resin. Most home designers can attest to the fact that a marble tile is suitable for either indoor or outdoor decoration.

Using a marble tile outdoors is convenient. The outdoor part of your house tends to be the dirtiest and hardest to clean sometimes. So, you can solve that problem with the use of a marble tile. Moreover, that particular area of the house is where you will be entertaining people, so it must look cozy and inviting. A marble tile can entice your visitors just as much as marbled sculptures and art pieces can. Its smooth and sturdy appearance can surely capture your visitors’ attention and interest. Besides, a marble tile is very easy to install and maintain, so you can put them in any part of the house as much as you want without worrying the hassle it may bring upon repairing it or keeping it clean.