Compared with other types of tiling options, glass mosaic can give you unlimited design options. These tiles are available in hundreds of color combinations to give you hard to find warm and cool colors such as oranges, reds and yellows. They are available in many sizes and shapes such as squares, rectangles and circles. You can find these types of tiles in many tile sales and different price range. With these much choices, you can easily create and recreate your rooms according to your artistic desires.

Designing with Glass Mosaic Tiles

In any home design project, you must first decide where your tiles must go. Glass mosaic tiles are popular options for bathroom showers, kitchen backsplash, fireplaces, tubs, home spas and swimming pools. The use of glass mosaic also has limitations. For one, it is not recommended for kitchen countertops because it usually has uneven gout lines where food and dirt can easily get stuck. On the other hand, many home owners look for glass mosaic on tile sales for bulk purchases and flooring needs.

There are 4 types of glass mosaic used for home decoration and installation. These are the iridescent, crystals, metallic glass and vitreous. All these are easy to clean and maintain and they can be used to vertical surfaces as well. Among these types, vitreous is considered as the most durable. You can find hundred of colors and is virtually impossible to scratch this type of glass tile.

Crystal glass tiles on the other hand can be easily scratched so they are not advisable for installation on floors and horizontal surfaces. This type of tile should also be kept away from direct sunlight to preserve its rich colors and avoid fading. Metallic glass tiles are the most gorgeous and stylish among the four. It has a metallic vein that runs through each of the tiles. Iridescent glass mosaic tiles are pretty looking tiles, but it is not also recommended for flooring and horizontal surface use.